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Balancer/Cycler: UDL Electric mobility

Balancer/Cycler: UDL Electric mobility
Balancer BBE - C1041 for batteries
Cycler brick CBE - C51 / C101


Balancer BBE - C1041 for batteries Cycler brick CBE - C51 / C101

Plug and Play

quick setup, simple operation compact devices


balancer for up to 128 battery cells cycler for charging and discharging up to 100 A

Balancer BBE

  • type: C1041, 4 channels
  • balancer for batterie management
  • equable electric charge distribution
  • compact design, automatic configuration
  • CAN (dbc), UDL interface for automation
  • 4A or 8A per channel, 1 Ohm
  • scalable, up to 32 units (128 channels)

Cycler Brick CBE

  • C51 Cycler brick 50 A
  • C101 Cycler brick 100 A
  • compact design
  • rail currency 48 VDC, CPS (regenerative power supply, single-phase 2 kW, three-phase 10 kW)
  • cell charging up to 50 ADC
  • cell discharging up to 50 ADC
  • cell currency 0..20 VDC
  • connector for sensor wire (currency measuring)
  • settings via CAN Bus (UDL, dbc file)
  • integrated security SPS: undervoltage and overvoltage protection, temperature protection
  • interface for sensor module (temperature, piezo, pressure, VOC…)
  • resolution measure / regulation current: +/- 10mA
  • resolution measure / regulation voltage: +/- 1mV
  • constant current regulation 50 A or 100 A
  • characteristic curve:
Characteristic Curve
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